About the Genealogical Speakers Guild
The Genealogical Speakers Guild was founded in 1991 to facilitate better communication between speakers and societies. This on-line Directory of Members is one step toward that goal.
Whereas, the Guild recognizes and respects the prerogatives of existing organizations and societies in the field of genealogy whose missions are to serve societies, educate and protect genealogical consumers, certify professionals, and provide for an exchange of ideas in broadly based avocational, professional, and entrepreneurial activities related to genealogy, we therefore direct our objectives to the following:
- To provide a unified, effective voice to promote speakers’ interests by providing a forum for the discussion of topics of concern to genealogical speakers.
- To broaden the speaker base by identifying, educating and assisting promising speakers.
- To raise professional lecture standards.
- To aid speakers in understanding and fulfilling their obligations to program planners and to audiences.
We believe the Genealogical Speakers Guild Directory of Members will help you find just the speaker you are seeking.
The following additional pages will be of interest to program planners:
Read Historically Speaking: A Look Back at the Guild’s Founding by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, C.G., please click here.