Denyce Porter Peyton
Denyce Porter Peyton has been a genealogical researcher and enthusiast for over 25 years, providing professional research since 2004. She is a speaker on genealogical topics, both in person and on the web.
She researched and authored an investigative study, “African American Settlement in Allen County, Ohio - through Census Schedules”, published in Ohio Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol. 52 No 3 Fall 2012, and provided independent research efforts for an episode of Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s “Finding Your Roots” on PBS.
Denyce has in-person and virtual speaking experience presenting genealogical topics, in-class facilitation of self-developed classes for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute with the University of Cincinnati, and over 10 years developing and presenting training sessions and workshops to groups, as a mid-level business manager, relevant to organizational methods and processes.
- Nineteenth and twentieth century Mid-South states, as well as Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
- African American research in antebellum and post-Emancipation periods.
- Research methodology
- Evaluation and analysis of historical records
- Community cluster and collateral research and analysis
A sample of lectures:
- Discovering a Probable Family Branch Through Cluster Research
- Unlocking Stories of Female Ancestors Through Effective Research Methodology
- Documenting African American Families from Enslavement to the Twentieth Century
- Analysis Tools for Effective Research
- Enhance Research and Analysis by Understanding Purpose and Content of Historical Records
- Antebellum Migration of Free Persons of Color
- Honorarium, lodging and transportation for in-person lectures
- Home housing is not acceptable
- Require screen, projector, table and microphone (if needed)
- Speaker provides laptop and master for handouts (in-person)
- Assistance by host group for necessary connections for web-hosted lectures
- Will develop new lectures, given adequate time to prepare
- Butler County Genealogy Annual Homecoming Event, 2016
- Kentucky Genealogical Society, 2020
- African American Genealogy Group of Kentucky 2020